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a bug hotel made of wood, sticks, rocks, and pinecones
WARNING: this website is home to various types of bugs

You've reached a website dedicated to all organisms, formations, and concepts that grow in the night. Visitors are invited to look around, unwind, ground themselves in loamy soil, or just take a quick breather before continuing down their own path.

This website is the ongoing project of run by an easily overstimulated insect belonging to the apidae family. The webmaster, Bee, is usually exhausted by the rapid-paced internet as well as the demands of life outside, which is why they decided to create an online space that can nurture the things they love.

(also in case i don't get the chance to say it anywhere else on this site: Happy Pride Month y'all!!!)

recent updates

06/06/24 - added an 'about webmaster' page, added new icons and images, added a tooltip even though it doesn't always work because fuck it, decided to link my tumblr because fuck it, made lots of css tweaks that nobody will notice but me

24/05/24 - official site launch! not much to see yet, but there's a homepage and credit page that i'm fairly happy with